We’re excited to announce our first official 0x0 Creative Mission
Hello Tokyo Remix Competition!
Who can participate?
Anyone is welcome to participate in the Hello Tokyo Remix Competition, DAO members or not!
Only DAO members can vote though – details on that later.
What should I do?
The stem files of Hello Tokyo has appeared in the wild!
Find it on the link below:
Simply download the stems of Medicine Man’s latest single “Hello Tokyo” and create your masterpiece to join the event.
Do not use other copyrighted materials in your remix for this competition – as much as we love mashups, they may cause problems down the road.
* If you need visual elements, feel free to grab what you need in the #creative-materials channel on our Discord.
How do I submit?
To enter the mission, please upload your creations to YouTube using the following format as the title: Medicine Man – Hello Tokyo (YOURNAMEHERE Remix)
For e.g., Medicine Man – Hello Tokyo (0xAsh Remix)
After your video is live, please share your masterpiece with the community in the channel #hello-tokyo-remix, and add it to the Hello Tokyo Remix Competition playlist by joining as a playlist collaborator with the following link:
The feedback you receive on the server and on social media largely determines whether your creation gets in the top 5 or not, so don’t forget to share!
* By submitting to the event, you agree that if your creation is chosen as one of the winners, the intellectual property of your creation will belong to the 0x0DAO, which the 0x0DAO will be able to monetise said creation where all proceeds will go back to the 0x0DAO.
What is the prize for the winners?
No.1 – 0.3 ETH + 1 0x0DAO NFT
No.2 – 0.1 ETH + 1 0x0DAO NFT
No.3 – No.5 – 1 0x0DAO NFT
* If you’ve won, you’ll have to provide your remix in a WAV file, your Discord ID, and your wallet address to gm@0x0.gg from the email tied to your YouTube account. We may ask for additional info to verify that you’re the real deal.
How will the winner be decided?
The 0x0 team will pick their top favorite submissions, taking feedback on Discord, YouTube, and social media into account.
Then, all DAO members will decide the winners through a vote.
In the event of a tie, the 0x0 team will decide the winners.
When will the mission end?
Here’s a rough timeline of the event:
Submission deadline: 2022/03/06 4 pm UTC
Initial picks announced: 2022/03/08
DAO member vote: 2022/03/10 (Vote will last for 6 hours)
*0x0 reserves the right to make amends to this event.
Hello Tokyo Remix 大賽來了!
重新混音完成後,請在 03/06 4pm UTC 前將你的作品上傳至 YouTube 並加入下面 playlist:https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLF5zUFozLTup-vsQjeuF6BNxwmAi6SKb6&jct=GmGa6nBX9Cx9OPsoyh7v35B5fvbO9w
因為是 playlist,先上傳的人就會出現在比較上面喔。
影片請依照下面格式取名:Medicine Man – Hello Tokyo (YOURNAMEHERE Remix)
範例:Medicine Man – Hello Tokyo (0xAsh Remix)
接著,請將你的作品分享至 #hello-tokyo-remix 頻道與你自己的社群並 tag 0x0。
0x0 團隊本身會參考在社群與 Discord 上的反應與觀看次數,選出入選的幾名作品,至於名次的部分,將會由全體 DAO Member 投票決定。唯有投票票數相同時才會由 0x0 團隊決定名次。
*如果你得獎,作品的著作財產權將會歸屬於 0x0DAO 所有。